- Casa,
Modello Premium online più veloce al mondo e destinazione di supporto

Electro Mega Electronic Store Miglior Tema PrestaShop Template
Electron Mega Electronic Super Store Premium Responsive PrestaShop Theme è un design flessibile e intelligente. È fantastico per elettronica, computer, accessori, alta tecnologia, cellulari, moda, medicina, arredamento, minimal, mega ed è il tema perfetto per negozi di elettronica per creare un sito Web di e-commerce.
Tipo di negozio
♛ Electron ♛ Mega Electronics Store Prestashop Theme vende elettronica, mobili, case, decorazioni, sedie, cucine, ceramiche, arte, generi alimentari, accessori, legno, accessori, moda, decorazioni, mobili, illuminazione, torte, bambini, stile, mega, auto, minimal per negozi di elettronica multiuso.
Perché Electron Themes è il migliore per negozi multiuso e nuovi business con temi Prestashop?
Se stai cercando una piattaforma versatile e intuitiva per creare il tuo negozio online per un negozio elettronico, i temi reattivi Prestashop sono un'ottima opzione. Tuttavia, scegliere il tema giusto può essere complicato, soprattutto se sei nuovo nel mondo del business online. È qui che Electron Themes torna utile.
Electron Themes è un rinomato mercato online per temi Prestashop multiuso che soddisfano le esigenze dei nuovi imprenditori e dei marchi di e-commerce affermati. Hanno una vasta collezione di temi ben progettati che sono facili da personalizzare per la home page, la pagina del prodotto, i layout del piè di pagina, i layout dell'intestazione, reattivi e SEO-friendly.
Uno dei principali vantaggi dell'utilizzo di Electron Prestashop Themes è la flessibilità che offre, inoltre puoi raggiungere Gadget Mega Hightech Electronic and Computer Marketplace Super Store . Che tu abbia bisogno di un tema per un negozio di elettronica, un negozio di abbigliamento, un negozio di alimentari o un negozio di tecnologia, electrontheme ha una soluzione per te. I loro temi sono dotati di una varietà di layout di homepage predefiniti, vari tipi di pagina prodotto, schemi di colori e opzioni di font, che ti consentono di creare un'identità di marca unica per il tuo negozio online. Inoltre, Electron Computer Store fornisce una documentazione completa e un supporto affidabile per aiutarti a configurare e gestire efficacemente il tuo negozio.
In sintesi, Electron Themes è la scelta migliore per chiunque cerchi temi Prestashop versatili, personalizzabili e visivamente accattivanti e negozio di elettronica che soddisfano le esigenze dei nuovi imprenditori e dei marchi di e-commerce affermati. I loro temi sono facili da usare e offrono un eccellente rapporto qualità-prezzo. Con Electron Themes, puoi avere un sito Web di e-commerce sbalorditivo e funzionante in pochissimo tempo!
I temi Electron Prestashop hanno layout multiuso per la pagina del prodotto. Il negozio di elettronica Electron è anche chiamato Electron Computer Store con cui puoi modificare l'immagine e le informazioni del prodotto in base alle tue esigenze.
Reach Support Team at Skype : Themevolty Team Support Skype
World First Fastest : Premium Ecommerce Prestashop Templates
Supported 1.7 and 8 and more for perfect ecommerce solution.
A+++ Rapid Performance. -> Check the live demo with landing page deep information.
Website Template/Prestashop themes are also tested for cross-browser compatibility, ensuring that your website looks great on all devices and platforms.
Multi Layouts like 6+ Headers, 4+ Footers, 3+ Mobile Headers, 6+ Product Page
Free 38+ Modules and Layout Features. SAVE 999+ Euros.
Available inbulit theme editor for color and layout changes and theme option.
Child Themes for different kinds of business.
Easy To Use Premium PrestaShop Themes
SEO Friendly Design
Awarded Prestashop
Awarded Electron Prestashop Theme by addons PrestaShop Team
Quick Support
(Super Speed With Google Page Speed and GTmatrix)
Supported Layout Full [OR] Left Panel [OR] Left and Right.
Multi Store And Multi Language Supported.
Theme Color Editor and Text Changes.
Full speed with every site needs inbuilt 35+ modules.
Also, You can Like our Premium Prestashop Modules For Your Store
- Using Material Font Icon and SVG. (Get HD Look Any Devices)
- Multi-Store and Multi-Language Supported.(Fully Dynamic)
- Highest Speed Boosted Theme. (Best Caching and Automatic File Compression html/js/css files)
- Theme Unlimited Color Editor And Manage Text Style and Colors. (Easy Look as you want)
- Easy Configuration From BackOffice. (Premium theme Option)
- Full speed with every site needs inbuilt 35+ modules. (Also Get Light Speed Open Sites)
- Auto Compress HTML Code to Run Quickly.
- Highest Score in Gtmatrix. (Premium Code)
- Every theme support 100% prestashop responsive theme (Better user Friendly Access)
- Template file included
- My Wishlist
- Cache Optimization
- Inbulit Theme Editor
- Compare Product
- Clean templates code
- Manage Complex context menu design
- Advanced Blog
- Design software using figma
- Best using ux and ui templates elements
- Live Product Search
- Custom Theme Color
- Font Changes.
- Product Zoom
- Other BackOffice Rich Features and Customization.
- Easy Manage Hook methods and Position Prestashop Templates like as elementor.
- Explore demo to show features -> Like Rich Theme....
Reach Support Team at email address : Themevolty Team Support
We are Make Experience Better Than Better
Theme Details
- La mia lista dei desideri
- Comprimi automaticamente il codice HTML per l'esecuzione rapida.
- Confronta prodotto
- Ricerca prodotto in tempo reale
- Colori del tema personalizzato.
- Zoom del prodotto
- Retina Ready
- Google Web Fonts
- Bootstrap
- Caratteri icona
- Supporta la lingua RTL (da destra a sinistra)
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Sass / Less
- Scorri fino al pulsante superiore
- Visualizzazione rapida del prodotto
- Visualizzazione griglia o elenco
- Checkout standard in 5 fasi
- Blocco di ricerca
- Navigazione a strati
- Video di sfondo
- Effetti & Transizioni
- Larghezza personalizzata
- Contenuto statico personalizzato
- Numero personalizzato di colonne
- Sfondo personalizzato
- Layout di pagina personalizzato
- Menu orizzontale
- Menu appiccicoso
- Menu a discesa
Funzionalità aggiuntive
- Dispositivo di scorrimento a schermo intero
- Popup di iscrizione alla newsletter
- Popup Aggiungi al carrello
- Presentazione personalizzata
- Commenti sul prodotto
Engage & Showcase
- Product Photo Gallery
- Carrello Ajax
- Product Wishlist & Comparison
- Customizable Design
- Dynamic Product Sliders
Connect & Grow
- Modulo di Contatto
- Blocco sociale
- Pulsanti di condivisione sociale
- Newsletter Subscription
- Brand Showcase
Change Log
Change Log v4.4.4 (01 Feb 2025) Supported Latest v8.2 and More Security Advance Update.
- We sell Mercedes at Toyota price. :)
- Bug Fixed(Blog Video, Tax Lable Issue, Cart Product Image Issue, Size Chart Module)
- Front and Back Office(Improved Security)
- Prestashop Latest v8.2.x Supported.
- Improve Security.
- Prevented Virus Vulnerabilities.
- Improved Checkout Page(Stop Abandons Cart)
- Improve Code Quality, Stability and Performance.
- Improve Speed and Caching...
- Improved module bug for latest version
- Many More...
- Improved Performance and Stability as We Promise :)
Change Log v4.4.1 (15 May 2024) Supported Latest v8.1 and More Security Advance Update.
- We sell Mercedes at Toyota price. :)
- Bug Fixed(Checkout Page)
- Front and Back Office(Improved Security)
- Prestashop Latest v8.1.x Supported.
- Improve Security.
- Prevented Virus Vulnerabilities.
- Improved Checkout Page(Stop Abandons Cart)
- Improve Code Quality, Stability and Performance.
- Improve Speed and Caching...
- Improved module bug for latest version
- Many More...
- Improved Performance and Stability as We Promise :)
Change Log v4.3.5 (23 AUG,2023) More Secure Data and Safe with Supported Latest Version 1.7 to 8.1.x
- We sell Mercedes at Toyota price. :)
- Front and Back Office(Improved Security)
- Prestashop Latest v8.1.x Supported.
- Improved Checkout Page(Stop Abandons Cart)
- Improve Code Quality, Stability and Performance.
- Improve Speed and Caching...
- Improved module bug for latest version
- Many More...
- Improved Performance and Stability as We Promise :)
Change Log v4.0.8 (10 April,2023) More Secure Data and Safe with Supported Latest Version 1.7 to 8
- We sell Mercedes at Toyota price. :)
- Improved Checkout Page(Stop Abandons Cart)
- Front and Back Office(Improved Security)
- Prestashop Latest v8.0 Supported.
- Improve Code Quality, Stability and Performance.
- Improve Speed and Caching...
- Improved Main Slider
- Fixed Minor Bugs
- Many More...
- Improved Performance and Stability as We Promise :) \
Change Log v4.0.7 (1 Jan,2023) Supported Latest Version 1.7 to 8.0
- We sell Mercedes at Toyota price. :)
- Update Strong Password(Improved Front-Office Security)
- Theme Prestashop Version 8.0 and More Supported.
- Improve Code Quality, Stability and Performance.
- Improved Checkout Page(Stop Abandons Cart)
- Fixed Minor Bugs
- Improved Main Slider
- Fixed Wishlist Module
- Many More...
- Improved Performance and Stability as We Promise :)
Change Log v4.0.3 (15 dec, 2021) A+ Rapid Performance with SEO improvement
- Avoid Lowest Price Templates.(We Never Compromise with Quality.)
- Improve SEO and Micro Data for Google Search Engine and FaceBook Share with Deep Product information.(Improved Search Organic Traffic on Your Store)
- Dark Mode added.
- Prestashop 1.7.8.x supported.
- Added Smart and Easy Upgrade Theme Prestashop Version 1.7.0 to 1.7.8.x Just One Click :)
- Improve Code Stability and Performance.
- Theme Code Optimization and Improved New Generation Design Speed.
- Improved Performance and Stability as We Promise :)
- Add Upgrade DB Button for quick upgrade v3.x.x to 4.0.3
- Polish Eye Caching UI/UX Design.
- Many More...
Change Log v4.0.0 (29 Oct, 2021) A+ Rapid Performance
- Prestashop 1.7.8.x supported.
- All-in-One Rich Configuration
- Fix CLS and First time load and blocking request
- True A+ Speed Score with Google Page Speed and GTmatrix.(Helping Google Rank Up)
- Theme Code Optimization and Improved New Generation Design Speed.
- Theme Quick Loading Structure.
- With All 38+ Modules with Rapid Performance.
- Improved Performance and Stability as We Promise :)
Valutazione media
Excellent Theme for Electronic Stores
Electron Mega is superb! It offers great flexibility and design options. Perfect for my electronic store. Merci beaucoup!
Fantastic theme
Fantastic theme - Packed with features and the custom configuration menu is a hit - Love it & Theme is easy to setup thanks to an front office configurator. In back office many module allow you to costumize easily your web site. highly recommanded !
excelente , desarrollador , ya compre varias! recomendados!
Very good service
Very good service and they helped me solve the problems I had,Very nice product and all functionality availble , no complaints and high quality support Highly recommanded.
Very professional!
Very professional! Great support V4.0 is a best version in the PrestaShop world, i highly recommanded to everyone purchase, they provide a different layouts and many more in budget, highly recommanded to everyone purchase!!!
Amazing Product 5*
A real value of money, Themevolty is the best developer in the E-commerce platform.
Fast & Responsive Template
Great Product , Fast & Efficient Product ever, Customer support is 100%.
User Friendly
I am very happy to purchase this template and also with this company, this theme is easy to install on one click with the demo data and layouts. its amazing product in the e-commerce world!!!!!
One click install
i am very impressed with this template, easy to install and user friendly , highly recommended to everyone
Fast Service
close your eyes and purchase this template, this template author is very polite and supportive, they help me in lots of things to manage
Multiple layouts
I got a multi features template from this developer. Multiple header Multiple footer Multiple Mobile header
Theme is easy to setup
Theme is easy to setup thanks to an front office configurator. In back office many module allow you to costumize easily your web site. highly recommanded !
Plantilla estupenda
Plantilla estupenda con muchas funciones y adecuada a cualquier negocio. El creador de la plantilla es un gran profesional. Desde que la compré, he contactado con el para ajustes basicos y en todas las conversaciones, ha sigo profesional, rapido y lo recomiendo al 100%.- Quedareis satisfechos segugo.
Very nice product
Very nice product and all functionality available , no complaints and high quality support Highly recommended.
Fantastic theme
Fantastic theme - Everything works from the start - Packed with features and the custom configuration menu is a hit - Love it
Super responsive
Super responsive team. When I had problems they answered very quick and I was able to have a good technical discussion with them.
Good experience
good experience. Very fast response. I recommend it.
Electron mega store
The support is very responsive and understanding in relation to the problems that we may encounter.